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Sandra Geitz

Inquiry – the journey is the purpose

Inquiry means exploration or investigation and, like all explorations, it springs from a question. The dynamic unfoldment and movement of any inquiry is the meeting point between the known and unknown – there is something you know and at the same time you are aware of that there is something you do not know, otherwise there will be no question. The question arises within you because your being is moved to understand it, get to know it more deeply. The unfoldment is fueled by this genuine curiosity to not only know it with your mind but your entire being, your soul – from your own experience. It is the love for the exploration itself, without any interest in the end result or outcome. 

Have you ever watched a little child constantly asking questions or exploring an object? Totally absorbed with such a joy and excitement. This is true curiosity of the heart, the longing to know and experience the world and oneself without any other goal attached other purpose – the journey is the reward itself. 


In inquiry we are more interested in the effect of the question rather than the answer – to stay open. We are inviting the unknown and by doing so also welcoming newness, freshness and expansion. What we hold on to can never be anything else, it can ́t transform because it is stuck. Like when we are trying to hold on to the world as we know it because the thought of change scares us. 

Have you ever noticed yourself to be attached to being right in a conversation? When we are in this position we are no longer interested in the truth but merely to defend ourselves. So we close down, lock our feet to the ground and let nothing penetrate. All the openness and expansion is gone because we have made the answer more important then the question – the known more important than the unknown – the goal more important than the journey. 


We need to love the truth more than anything else. If we orient towards truth we don’t reject anything on our path because whatever might show up is equally valuable – there is no preferences, no right or wrong in our experience. To explore sadness, tension and anger is equally true and rewarding as to explore joy, peace and power. 

Can you be curious about your problems?And how would that change your world? What if you could find a genuine interest in your challenges, pain and conflicts?

Inquiry in this sense is a way to live a life, it is an organic process opening us up for new depth within ourselves and in relation to others. To know more about how to engage in inquiry practice read my post on “How to practically practice inquiry”. 


  • Explore where you are naturally curious and questions arises within you from the place of simply loving to know and understand. Explore how that feels, what happens if you follow it and what the effect is. 
  • Start noticing when we are attached to be right and what the effect of that is. How is your body? How is it to connect with the other person? What are you thoughts and feelings? See if you can be curious about it!
  • Inquiry questions: What is curiosity? 

If you are curious to explore Inquiry more deeply I can fully recommend A. H. Almaas book “Spacecruiser Inquiry: True Guidance for the inner journey”, Find it here!

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