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Sandra Geitz

Meaning does not exist outside of this moment

When we are in touch with ourselves and life we stop to ask all the questions about how to get there, the questions regarding understanding and making sense of reality. We simply are, like it was the most natural thing. And it is. 

Existence lives in us, life lives in us, we are alive because we are life. And life is only existing in the present moment – therefore we are only existing in the present moment and therefore meditation (presence and being with what is) is the immediate gateway to reconnect to ourselves and the intimacy with life. 

When we are totally in the present moment and in connection with ourselves we are no more thinking about ourselves. We don’t even refer to ourselves anymore. It is, in one sense, like we have stopped to exist and still we enjoy ourselves more than ever. 


When we say ”I feel moved”, it means – I can feel life touching me, living in me. Because what else can move us than life? Isn’t all movement an expression of life? And life is always either moving freely toward expansion and new expressions or waiting to move through us in its constant stream of unfoldment. It simply gets stuck from us trying to make it flow in a certain direction. This actually cuts us off from feeling alive, since what we are saying is ”no” – no to life, no to our life force. What we need to learn is to tolerate pain and discomfort so that life can be allowed to move without any restrictions. For what happens to pain that is blocked from being felt? It gets stuck. Stuck in our bodies, in our minds, in our language, in our patterns. We won’t get away without the price of missing life. 

We can say no, and many of us do, and so life is not the one to judge and stops. And we start to feel more dead inside, less motivated, joyful, loving, peaceful, strong. So we have even less capacity to deal with pain if it shows up. So we become tighter in our contractions, blockages and protections – less welcoming for life as it is. Some of us even start to blame life, be angry with life, feeling resentful and bitter, turning ourselves into victims and life the predator. 

If you believed, fully and completely, that life wanted you well and was leading you towards healing and expansion how would you relate to your present experience?


There is no meaning outside of life itself and life only exists in the present moment – therefore when we disconnect from the present moment because we do not like what it consists off, exemple discomforting feelings, we also disconnect from life and it is experienced as empty and lack of purpose. Therefore trying to create meaning in our life is a sign of us not being connected, not being present to what is there. Do you know these moments, when you simply do not even reflect on if life is meaningful or not? Because you simply are. 

Meaning is not what we put into life, it is what naturally is there when we open up to life. 

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